BEST Classroom Behavior Continuum Scale
The BEST Continuum Behavior Scale is a universal screening tool that evaluates student performance and behavior to promote student success in the classroom and school environments. Educators can benefit from using the CBCS for identifying challenging behaviors, selecting the functionally equivalent/ appropriate replacement skills and the development of the Behavior Intervention Plan. In addition, The CBCS can be used a screening tool for the identification of behavior deficits, identifying academic behavior skill performance challenges, and ongoing progress monitoring. Download sample survey questions here.
Multi-Tiered System of Support
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention.
Teeter-Totter Effect
Academic skills and behavior are inversely linked; as academic and behavior skills increase, maladaptive behaviors decrease, and vice versa. Teaching students skills and positive behaviors increases academic success. And problematic behaviors decrease academic achievement. This is the teeter-totter effect.
The BEST! Academic Behavior Skills Intervention Plan
By using the BEST Classroom Behavior Continuum Scale, you'll receive a report that gives you a plan for behavior intervention, based on the student's skills and behaviors.